Sunday, May 24, 2020
Theatrical Application For Theatrical Work - 1658 Words
Matthew Graber 12/2/14 ENGL 101, ENR Instructor: Kelly Taylor Theatrical Application What do you think of when you hear the word â€Å"theater†? You might immediately think of Shakespeare, you might think of actors, singers and dancers, or you may even think of a movie theatre. Whatever it is that may come to mind, you might not realize the beneficial impact that participation in theatrical programs can have on just about anyone. I myself have gained from participation. The benefits of theater are many and can range from developing personal and professional skills, to conquering shyness, and even to therapeutic applications. In order to discuss the multiple benefits that theater has to offer, I must first describe briefly what exactly is†¦show more content†¦I have learned first-hand how to enable the audience to hear the actors through audio techniques, microphone wiring, and sound board operation. If you find more enjoyment in enabling the audience to see the actors, then stage lighting set-up and operation can be learned thro ugh theater as well. Being able to see the actors and stage is fine, but making the actors looks good is even better; that is where creative drawing and design can be practiced by being on the costume, makeup, and set design teams. There are even opportunities for experience in marketing, merchandising and publication through intermission sales, ticket pricing and advertising. Believe it or not, theater is a great outlet for people to learn how to combat their shyness. An article by Rebecca Appleton, a writer for Dakota Digital Ltd. on, elaborates on the topic of shyness in children. The article explains that acting and drama classes help children to develop social skills as well as build up their self-confidence. The article even goes on to argue that these skills are essential to the children as they grow up. In fact, my experience in acting and theater has had similar effects in my social skills and confidence. I was once very shy, so shy that I had turned down t he opportunity of joining a drama/chorus program until my first year of high school. However, the more I performed in front of people, the more comfortable I became doing it. Eventually I was able to portray extremely
Monday, May 18, 2020
Stanley Milgrams Obedience Experiments Essay - 1777 Words
The complexities of a human’s willingness to submit to another person’s will have intrigued mankind since the formation of societal groups. Only in recent history has there been any studies conducted which so completely capture the layman’s imagination as the obedience experiments conducted by Stanley Milgram. As one of the few psychological experiments to have such an attention grabbing significance, Milgram discovered a hidden trait of the human psyche that seemed to show a hidden psychotic in even the most demure person. Milgram presents his startling findings in â€Å"The Perils of Obedience†. Publication created a great deal of discussion, with one of the more vocal critics being Diana Baumrind, who details her points of contention in the†¦show more content†¦Prompted by this phenomenon, Stanley Milgram investigates this â€Å"potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy, and moral conduct.†(Milgram 314) Milgram set up an ex periment in which he intended â€Å"to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist.†(Milgram 314) Thereby, observations could be made of how long a person would continue to inflict pain. â€Å"To extricate himself from this plight, the subject must make a clear break with authority.†(Milgram 315) The basic premise of the study being to learn how an ordinary person reacts when put under pressure to cause great physical harm to a stranger through a series of simulated electrical shocks. However, the subjects are under the impression that they were participating in a study of memory and learning. This is where Diana Baumrind takes issue with Milgram’s study. She feels that â€Å"by volunteering, the subject agrees implicitly to assume a posture of trust and obedience.†(Baumrind 326) Basically, Baumrind feels that the setting of a fairly innocuous sounding experiment i n a safe, controlled environment of a lab causes the subject to have a false sense of safety in the experimenter’s experience. Therefore, the experiments are prone to produce skewed results, as well as potential psychological injury to the subject. Later analysis ofShow MoreRelatedStanley Milgrams Experiments On Obedience1386 Words  | 6 PagesIn her article, â€Å"Review of Stanley Milgram’s Experiments on Obedience†, psychologist Diana Baumrind criticizes Stanley Milgram’s experiments on obedience to authority, stating that not only were Milgram’s experiments unethical but so was the scientist himself, claiming that he did not take appropriate measures to properly ensure his subject’s wellbeing post-experiment and therefore, experiments such as these should not be repeated. Baumrind does address an important point in her review and that isRead MoreComparing Views on Stanley Milgrams Experiment on Obedience991 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1 963 a psychologist named Stanley Milgram conducted one of the greatest controversial experiments of all time. Milgram tested students from Yale to discover the obedience of people to an authoritative figure. The subjects, whom did not know the shocks would not hurt, had to shock a â€Å"learner†when the â€Å"learner†answered questions incorrectly. Milgram came under fire for this experiment, which many proclaimed was unethical. This experiment of Milgram’s stimulated the creation of several responsiveRead MoreDeliberating Experiments on Obedience Essay1165 Words  | 5 PagesIn 1963 Stanley Milgram, a Yale psychologist, created an experiment examining obedience. This experiment has been questioned by many psychology professionals. One psychologist Diana Baumrind transcribes her beliefs in the â€Å"Review of Stanley Milgram’s Experiments on Obedience.†Baumrind, when writing the review, was employed at the Institute of Human Development, Univ ersity of California, Berkeley. In her review Baumrind denounces Milgram for his treatment of his subjects, potentially harming theirRead MoreObedience Is, As Stanley Milgram Writes, â€Å"As Basic An Element1219 Words  | 5 PagesObedience is, as Stanley Milgram writes, â€Å"as basic an element in the structure of social life as one can point to†(Milgram 1). The act of obedience holds positive connotations, but the sometimes negative effects of blind obedience are explored in Stanley Milgram’s â€Å"The Perils of Obedience†and Diana Baumrind’s â€Å"Review of Stanley Milgram’s Experiments on Obedience.†Though Milgram does analyze how the subjects of the experiment blame their actions on the experimenters, Baumrind argues the bad effectsRead MoreThe Perils of Obedience, by Stanley Milgram1499 Words  | 6 Pageswould you follow your direct orders? That is the question that Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University teste d in the 1960’s. Most people would answer â€Å"no,†to imposing pain on innocent human beings but Milgram wanted to go further with his study. Writing and Reading across the Curriculum holds a shortened edition of Stanley Milgram’s â€Å"The Perils of Obedience,†where he displays an eye-opening experiment that tests the true obedience of people under authority figures. He observes that most peopleRead MoreAnalysis Of Stanley Milgram s Perils Of Obedience Essay1709 Words  | 7 Pagesmanipulated the minds of masses for their own personal and political agenda. Still, many questions still remain prevalent as to how an individual reaches his or her decision on obedience in a distressing environment. Inspired by Nazi trials, Stanley Milgram, an American psychologist, questions the social norm in â€Å"Perils of Obedience†(1964), where he conducted a study to test how far the average American was willing to for under the pressures of an authority figure. Milgram s study showed that under theRead MoreZimbardos Psychological Experiment and Fromms Correlation942 Words  | 4 PagesZimbardo’s Psychological Experiment and Fromm’s Correlation Over 4 decades ago, a Stanford psychology professor named Phillip G. Zimbardo administered an experiment that re-created a prison environment. The goal of the experiment was to simply study the process by which prisoners and guards â€Å"learn†to become compliant and authoritarian, respectively (Zimbardo 732). What would emerge from the â€Å"Stanford Prison Experiment†article were more than just compliance and authority. The experiment gave rise to theRead MoreMilgram vs. Baumrind920 Words  | 4 Pagesconsidered individuals but products of conformity. Stanley Milgram, a Yale psychologist, engineered an experiment to test the ordinary person’s level of obedience. Many of Milgram’s colleagues admired his intricate experiment, and thought that he provided valid information on the complexity of obedience. One of his colleagues, Diana Baumrind, however, strongly disagreed with Milgram and has good reasons to criticize his experiment. She thought his exp eriment was unethical and very harmful to the socialRead MoreThe Causes Of Obedience From Research By Milgram ( 1974 ) And His Contemporaries1360 Words  | 6 PagesDescribe and explain what we can learn about the causes of Obedience from research by Milgram (1974) and his Contemporaries. Stanley Milgram was a Psychologist at Yale. Obedience is an essential part in the format of humanity, and it’s destructiveness has been investigated throughout time. Stanley Milgram organized a research to test the destructiveness of obedience however, Milgram wanted to investigate why ordinary people are keen to obey an authority figure and commit evil deeds even when itRead MoreA Critical Analysis Of Stanley Milgrams Experiment773 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of Milgram’s Experiment How far will people go to be obedient? While some people are defiant, most people will go beyond imaginable measures to obey authority. Stanley Milgram conducted an experiment that tested human relations and authority. The experiment was scientifically sound and followed procedures but was very flawed. Milgram’s experiment consisted of an experimenter, a naà ¯ve subject, and an actor. The naà ¯ve subject is a volunteer who saw a public announcement stating that they would
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Online Exam - 1376 Words
Features of the Customized Online Examination System in PHP and MySQL developed for a Maritime Academy: * Software Developed in PHP/MySQL. * Works on Apache webserver. * The Online examination is multi-platform compatible. It will work on any computer and operating system which has Apache, PHP and MySQL installed * Can be customised to include pictures, graphics and flash (swf) files in the questions of the Online examination. * Question Paper consists of Random Selection Of Questions. * Proper Weightage to Various Topics. * Questions asked and answers given stored in the database * Different Types of Multiple Choice Questions can be asked. * Answers processed and marks awarded Instantly. * View†¦show more content†¦2.Submit all at once. The former one means the participants can not review and modify their answers to their submitted questions. However, with the latter way of submiting, the participants can review and modify their answered questions before they submit the fin al answers. Result Release Immediate release or timed release can be set to the examination. For some examinations consisting of objective questions, the scores can be calculated automatically when the testing is over. The participants can view the results instantly. If you don’t want the results to be viewed so early or there are some subjective questions needs manual grading, you can finish the grading job first and then the participants can visit the system website to check their testing results. Chapter 1: Preliminary Investigation about Existing System 1.1 INTRODUCTION Modern technology has added a new ingredient to this mix the Internet. The Internet can be regarded as a cheaper and improved version of the self-education resources. Some people like to take exam in a classroom is traditional manual examination because they are happy to sit there and have the teacher tell them what to learn, and when they get stuck, they are happy that there is someone there to help them, and they enjoy the social environment while taking exam. The traditional approach to measuring a persons level of knowledge in a topic has been the examination. These days there is often more emphasis on internalShow MoreRelatedSubjective Test Assessment Of Online Exams1474 Words  | 6 PagesAbstractâ€â€Subjective test is rarely used for the assessment of online test examinations. In online examination, objective test exams are already available but the subjective test exams are in need which is considered as the best way in terms of understanding and knowledge. This paper presents a survey on the effective techniques for subjective test assessment. In this, the answers are unstructured data which have to be evaluated. The evaluation is based on the semantic similarity between the modelRead MoreCareer Preparation Essay3593 Words  | 15 Pageswhether my actually want to attend business school. It also give me a better perspective on what I want to get out of business school. If I am at the institutional and retail broker sales positions, I should obtain a series 7 license. The Series 7 exam is administered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) (previously the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)) and provides an individual with the qualifications necessary in order to process trades with all types of corporateRead MoreOnline Exams : An Assessment For Measuring A Test Taker s Knowledge, Skill, Aptitude, Or Classification932 Words  | 4 Pagesconcern about the cheating at online examination, online examinations are beneficial for paper saving and much convenient for the distant learners, as well as the instructors. Most online assessments are used for quizzes and assignments. In many cases, the online assessment is conducted in an institutional learning management systems (LMSs) such as BlackBoard, WebCT, Moodle and Sakai. These online assessment modules in LMSs can help instructors create some simple online quizzes or tests, but the questionRead MoreTesco - Information System Strategy3536 Words  | 15 Pages..... Grenoble Main Campus ïÆ' ¾ Off site (state which one) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ââ€" ¡ Information System.................................................................................................................... Assignment ïÆ' ¾ Oral Presentation ââ€" ¡ Exam ââ€" ¡ Title TESCO.COM: INFORMATION SYSTEM STRATEGY in CHANGING COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT.................................. I hereby declare that the attached assignment is my own work and understand that if I am suspected of plagiarism or other form ofRead MoreThe Balance Scorecard of Tesco2497 Words  | 10 Pagesoriginally specializing in food product, but in recent years it has provided different products and services from clothing, telecoms to financial services. Additionally, Tesco is the most extensive online grocery retailer in the world and it recognizes product images and pack information are essential for online shopping. In recent past, huge development has been made on international strategies. Its store are located in 13 countries and number would be still increasing as it has diverse strategies inRead MoreImpact of Information Technology on the Nigerian Banking Sector4643 Words  | 19 PagesHASSAN SPS/08/SMS/02856 IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARD OF POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BAYERO UNIVERSITY KANO. July, 2010 CERTIFICATION PAGE This is to certify that_________________________________ Name:- Anwar Hassan Exam No:- SPS/08/SMS/02856 SUPERVISOR :- DR. MOHD LIMAN SIGNATURE:- __________________________ DEDICATION This project is dedicated to my entire family. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The task of putting this project into shape calls for the support of manyRead MoreOnline Banking System11309 Words  | 46 Pages1. Introduction Online banking is an internet based account management service that allows to view our account balances and transaction transfer funds between authorized accounts, initiate loan payments, request stop payments on checks, order personal checks, download transaction information into your computer communicate with the bank using e-mail, and can include bill payment services bill payment services. On-line storage refers to a file of information (like a file on students orRead MoreEffects of Playing on-Line Computer Games in Academic Performance of Students?3223 Words  | 13 Pagesresults, of those who play them. An online game is a game played over some form of computer network. This almost always means the Internet or equivalent technology, but games have always used whatever technology was current: modems before the Internet, and hard wired terminals before modems. The expansion of online gaming has reflected the overall expansion of computer networks from small local networks to the Internet and the growth of Internet access itself. Online games can range from simple textRead MoreCruel and Unusual Punishment Clause3215 Words  | 13 PagesFINAL EXAM Course Name: ________________CRIMINAL LAW CLJ2100________________ School Name: _____________PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE___________________ Any words, works, or statement are solely my own, And I shall not cheat, take another words, plagiarize or commit any violations of this course, this Professor’s rules, or the University’s Policies, Otherwise seek the consequences of a failure and possible suspension or expulsion. 1 Explain the Eighth Amendment (Cruel and Unusual PunishmentRead MorePlay Is Our Brain s Favorite Way Of Learning1252 Words  | 6 Pagesteachers give us a way to learn about life through various means. One of these is incorporating play into learning. But, as we grow up, education becomes a repetitive cycle where teachers present information and expect students to memorize it for exams. Subsequently, bored students tend to skip class to engage in something more appealing. One of these activities is gaming. As a result, games have become negatively viewed by parents and teachers alike. One study shows that a child with access to video
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell - 1602 Words
Can anyone recall a time in history more dystopian than the upside-down society that is Nazi-Germany? While no other time period comes close, the novel we have been reading in class deals vigorously with dystopian society. 1984, by George Orwell, is a dystopian, fiction-based book that features a main character named Winston Smith, a girl named Julia, and many others who come together to make for a very intense storyline and an intriguing read. It takes place in Oceania, in 1984, while it was written in 1948. With a sense of science fiction, it’s set in near-future Oceania. The city is still named London, though the country is called Airstrip One instead of England. The main conflict in the novel is how Winston wants to rebel against the party, with only instinct and trace memories to guide him, and ultimately set the course to change society for the future. However, he’ll later find how it’s not so easy to get what you want in this upside-down and twisted societ y. Nazi Germany and the fictional society portrayed in 1984 share similar dystopian characteristics such as how a figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society, how propaganda is used to control the citizens of society, and how citizens live in a dehumanized state. While he’s arguably the most hated person to ever set foot on this earth, Hitler has to go down as one of the most successful leaders ever. This is solely because of how he manipulated his people so well, and how he was a â€Å"figurehead†Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1205 Words  | 5 PagesThis phenomenon is evident in George Orwell’s novel, 1984 in which the protagonist, Winston possesses critical features of a rebel. The rebellious personality of Winston is first introduced to the reader through his thoughtcrime’s. This trait is also distinctly seen through the doubts he has towards the governing party. Finally, the characteristic of rebellion is also successfully shown through Winston’s desire for happiness. It is evident that through the novel 1984, Winston is a rebellious characterRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1220 Words  | 5 PagesIn the novel 1984, written by George Orwell, ther e is a place called Oceania where the government is Big Brother. The government, the Party, and the Thought Police are constantly oppressing the citizens of Oceania. Most of the people don t know that they are being oppressed, but the two main characters, Julia and Winston are able to realize this oppression and don t stand for it. Winston and Julia absolutely hate the Party, and are constant breaking the â€Å"rules†of the Party. Julia is self-centeredRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell965 Words  | 4 PagesIn the novel â€Å"1984†by George Orwell, Winston wants to keep the humanity that so many people have lost. He sees everyone as robots controlled by the government that can no longer think for themselves, or remember any of the past before Big Brother came into power. Within the novel it seems as if people lose their humanity, but this poses the question what is humanity? Humanity can work both with and against the government, humans can be forced to believe the ideas of the government, and the powerRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1782 Words  | 8 PagesIn the novel 1984, by George Orwell, the government of Oceania is able to have supreme control over its population. The citizens of Oceania live in angst of the â€Å"Big Brother.†This instills a great amount of fear in the citizens who believe they must fulfill the government s expectations. The government not only invaded the person privacy of the Oceanic citizens, but they took away their basic human rights. By stiripping its citizens of their rights, like freedom of speech, The Party is able toRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1326 Words  | 6 PagesHow do you classify an individual’s freedom? Freedom can be defined as the power or right to act, speak and think without any restrictions and disciplines. George Orwell’s novel 1984, is about a dystopian society in which citizens don’t have any privacy and they are under constant surveillance by the Party. The setting of the novel describes the suppress of individuality and freedom in the society. However, Orwell’s definition of freedom is that people need to be given what they need and know theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1844 Words  | 8 Pages1984 Book Report The novel â€Å"1984†by George Orwell is a highly praised and influential work in the dystopian genre. Since its release in 1949, its themes have been admired by many, and its world an alarming insight into a seemingly foreign, but very possible situation. The story is set in London, in the fictional superstate of Oceania, and more specifically â€Å"Airstrip one†, (formerly the British Isles). The main character, Winston Smith, is a member of the Outer Party, which makes up half of theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell951 Words  | 4 PagesThe novel, 1984, composed by George Orwell, presents a frightening picture, where one government has complete control of the general population. The story takes place in London, England. The government that is made in the novel is controlled by Big Brother. In 1984, the protagonist, Winston, really despises the totalitarian government, that tries to control all aspects of his life. So many freedoms that we all need to live a happy and healthy life are being stripped away from the citizens of OceaniaRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1289 Words  | 6 PagesThe novel â€Å"1984†by George Orwell explores the meaning of humanity and the tact ics that a totalitarian government may use to strip humanity from the people in order to maintain power. The main character Winston strives to preserve his humanity throughout the novel in his ability to think freely. The government tries to control its constituent’s thoughts, through tactics of propaganda, regulation, telescreen monitors, the thought police, and five ministries. These tactics are to control the constituentRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1772 Words  | 8 PagesIn the novel â€Å"1984†illustrated by George Orwell emphasizes a story of love, truth, and imaginations. The story was taken place in London but during the time they were always at war with Eurasia, Eastasia, and Oceania. There were two love birds in the story, which was Winston Smith and Julia, but were separated from each other, due to disobeying policies, being betrayed by the corrupt police, and always being watched by Big Brother. Big brother is nothing, but a pie ce of paper all over the placeRead MoreCommentary Analysis of George Orwell ´s Novel: 1984897 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1984 by George Orwell, the author depicts the perfect totalitarian society, a society that has absolute control over everything pertaining to its people. The title of the novel, 1984, was meant to indicate to its readers in 1949 that the story represented a real possibility for the immediate future. If totalitarianism was not fought against, there was an actual risk that a similar civilization could come about. By demonstrating what a tyrannical society would be like, Orwell showed the control
Book Review Imperial Germany Free Essays
Date: April 18, 2012 Subject: Book Review The book â€Å"Imperial Germany 1871-1918†by Volker R. Berghahn has the under title Economy, Society, Culture and Politics and was first published in 1994 by Berghahn books. The used edition is the revised and expanded edition published in 2005 and summarizes the events in the ‘Kaiserreich’ (1871-1918). We will write a custom essay sample on Book Review Imperial Germany or any similar topic only for you Order Now Furthermore, the book has 388 pages and is divided in five parts which are Economy, Society, Culture, the Realm of Politics, and World War I. Each part has numerous under parts giving the reader detailed information about each part. In addition, the author did tremendous research on the German Empire, founded by Otto von Bismarck in 1871 and lasting until the end of World War I, to clarify the broader outlines of the development between 1871 and 1918 and to explain why Germany went to war in 1914 and lost that conflict four years later. Volker Berghahn, born 15 February 1938 in Berlin, studied jurisprudence at the University of Gottingen in the first place and then history and politics at the University of North Carolina. He taught in England and Germany before coming to Brown University in 1988 and to Columbia ten years later since then, he is Seth Low Professor of History at Columbia University. Moreover, he has published widely on modern German history and European-American relations. The book â€Å"Imperial Germany†is a comprehensive history of Germany and is thematically organized to provide data and information about major developments and the Bismarckian and Wilhelmine eras. The author expresses his theses and opinions in this book. Firstly, Berghahn? s position regarding the debates over the Deutschen Sonderweg is balanced and his main view about the German population is that it was characterized by pluralization and polarization. In particular, the society became more pluralistic after 1871 demonstrated by a more colorful and dynamic Kaiserreich. Berghahn demonstrated this richness and diverseness of the German population by looking at German? s society and culture. Polarization also played a main role in the Imperial Germany. In Berghahn? opinion, polarization is connected with another controversial which is whether or not the Kaissereich was in a deep crisis before World War I. His first evidence is that the economy was not in a good shape (tax conflicts, armament expenditures) followed by evidences such as that the society had difficulties to integrate industrial workers and minorities, the cultural view was pessimistic and the political realm came in a stage of stagnation. He also argues that the Kaisserei ch is a class society and analyzes who classes/groups/people are the â€Å"losers†of the society development. Furthermore, he points out the impact of gender, minorities, generations and religion but makes clear that these are only under topics of analyzing Germany. Moreover, the author was driven by his interest in major related issue in the Kaiserreich. The issue is that he wants to explain why Germany ended up in World War I. His thesis is that the catastrophe was triggered by Vienna? s and Berlin? s decision makers. Berghahn does a pretty good job in backing up his theses. The reason is that he uses other historians? opinions to support the written. For example, in the 1st part, ? Economy`, (Page 13) he writes that the economy experienced an upswing that lasted until 1913 and backs up this statement by providing a footnote which can be find at the end of the book. In addition, he provides the reader with tables to support his data and information. The tables are good because they make it easier to understand the data and summarize the written perfectly. Additionally, he cites other people who are mainly historians as well and have published famous and generally accepted writings such as M. Kaplan, The Jewish Feminist Movement in Germany. Moreover, Berghahn also refers to researches by mention them after his thesis or/and statement. Another notable characteristic of Berghahn? s book is that he mentions counter theses. By mention them; the reader gets to know the different historical views and what diverse and numerous opinions historians have about the development of Germany (1871-1914). Additionally, to support his theses, Berghahn confutes counter theses by giving data, information and arguments which show that the other historians? theses are wrong. In other words, Berghahn uses other (â€Å"wrong†) theses to support his theses. The author also uses counter theses to introduce a new theme and to make the reader think about the argument more deeply. In addition, he uses a research and/or historian thesis which is from the past or only the beginning of a thesis to further develop his thesis up on the other thesis. Furthermore, Berghahn sometimes writes what a specific historian thinks about a topic without commenting it. In comparison to the other books? authors we have read so far, the author of the book â€Å"Imperial Germany; Economy, Society, Culture and Politics†writes differently. Firstly, he states his wn opinions and theses, whereas the other authors mainly provide information. Additionally, Berghahn provides a lot of tables at the end of the book as compared to no tables in the previous books. In contrast to some use of footnotes (other writers? publications) in previous books, in Berghahn? s book, you find footnotes everywhere and the book has 32 pages only for footnotes. Additionally, Bergha hn writes not chronologically like Blackbourn for example, he divides the part thematically. In conclusion, on one hand, the book was informative and I like that Berghahn mentions other historians opinions as well. In addition, the use of tables makes it easier to understand the data and he handles counter theses well. On the other hand, the book was hard to read and protracted because his sentences are not straight forward and clear and he uses a lot of numbers in his writings making it hard to follow. Additionally, I don? t like how the book is organized (thematically) because for me, I prefer reading of all the developments happened in one time period. However, it shouldn? t be forgotten that the book is a very useful source and provides the reader with tones of information about the developments in the ? Kaiserreich`. How to cite Book Review Imperial Germany, Papers
Scarlet Letter Essay Titles Example For Students
Scarlet Letter Essay Titles Love, affair, disowning! One may think that this is a soap opera, but one is fairly mistaken. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter written by, Nathaniel Hawthorne, love, lies, mistrust are a few of the many situations that confront his characters. In Boston Hester Prynne commits a sin of adultery landing her the punishment of wearing the scarlet letter A for the rest of her life. The man whom with she has an affair with is Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. Roger Chillingworth is Hesters husband, and he will do anything in his power to make Dimmesdale repay for what he has done. The physical and metal guiltiness that Dimmesdale undergoes for not confessing the truth of being Pearls father leads him to death. The theme of the novel is sin, isolation, and reunion. Through out the novel Nathaniel Hawthorne uses setting, plot, and the characters to develop these themes. Hawthorne uses the setting to develop the theme of sin, isolation and reunion. In the market place one of the guards opens the jail cell and announces to all the spectators and to Hester shouting, Open a passage; and I promise ye Mistress Prynne shall be set where man, woman, and child may have a fair sight of her Come along! Madam Hester and show your scarlet letter in the marker place (Hawthorne 52). Hester is being displayed on the scaffold, which Hawthorne uses to show sin. While Hester is walking out of the jail a woman murmurs to one of the other women, This woman has brought shame upon us all, and ought to die! (Hawthorne 49) This scene clearly shows isolation between Hester and the community. The setting of the scaffold scene also illustrates the reunion between Dimmesdale, Hester and Pearl. When Dimmesdale admits on being the father of Pearl to all the townspeople, this scene reunites Pearl with herself by making her normal. The forest is as well as a major setting that instigates sin. Isolation in the forest occurs when Hester meets Dimmesdale to achieve some reunion, but instead drives them selves further into isolation. The use of the settings greatly structures how the theme of sin, isolation and reunion came about. The plot is utilized to support the three themes. There are five basic parts to the plot: conflict, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. On top of the scaffold Dimmesdale interrogates Hesters in revealing the identity of Pearls father. Not getting anything out of her he utters, Wondrous, strength, and generosity of a womans heart! She will not speak! (Hawthorne 66) This demonstrates her isolation from everyone and also breeds the conflict between Dimmesdale, Hester, and Chillingworth. If she discloses that Dimmesdale is her lover then Chillingwoth will not have any thing to hold over Hesters head. The rising action occurs with the continuing isolation of Hester and Dimmesdale and the questioning of Dimmesdale by Chillingworth. He does this because he assumes that it is not physical but mental and moral. This all leads to the conflict. The conflict happens on the scaffold when Dimmesdale breaks down and screams out for repentance and nearly gets caught by Mr. Wilson and Governor Bellingham. Then again in the forest Hester confronts Chillingworth telling him that she is going to reveal his secret to Dimmesdale. Later in the forest she confronts Dimmesdale telling him the secret that Chillingworth is actually her husband. When Chillingworth secret is confessed Dimmesdale and Hester weep into each others arm while Dimmesdale cries, He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart (Hawthorne 191). .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 , .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 .postImageUrl , .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 , .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24:hover , .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24:visited , .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24:active { border:0!important; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24:active , .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24 .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7b6333ead1ea4ba9285ac749d0cf4d24:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Anne Frank Essay As one can see when Dimmesdale and Chillingworth discover each others true identity it is the climax of the book. The falling action occurs when Hester and Dimmesdale make plans to leave the settlement, and during the night when he is writing his speech for the following day. The resolution occurs when Dimmesdale takes Pearl and her mother to the scaffold where he tells the crowd that he is the father of Pearl and Hesters lover. As one can see the plot is composed of themes of sin, isolation, and reunion. The characters largely influence the themes. These themes are exhibited in the characters personality. Hesters
Monday, May 4, 2020
Future Work Skilled Workforce and Productivity
Question: Discuss about the Future Work Skilled Workforce and Productivity. Answer: Introduction Employment is one of the most serious and primary concern which affects the students across the globe. There are present extensive working opportunities for the students globally. It is one of the biggest challenges for the students to possess all such qualities which are required for the job profiles. When there is discussion regarding the labor market it can be said that Australia possesses an improved status of the labor market on the economic aspects. And the markets satisfy the needs and requirements of the graduates by providing them various employment opportunities (Davidson, Timo and Wang, 2010). The following report will discuss about the labor market, its statistics, market data and information. The labor market is developing and extending rapidly with an up surging rate. The labor market of the retail industry is also explained through the organization named Coles. There are various challenges faced by the labor market in the retail sector as well as extensive changes have also taken place which the report will highlight. There are also several new trends which have taken place in the labor market of the retail sector which has changes the entire scenario of the sector and given rise to the employment rate. The final analysis of the retail labor market will be done by undertaking an interview with an employee of Coles Group. This interview will throw light over the present situation of the employees in the organization, past incidences associated with the labors or union, employment opportunities and satisfaction level of the employees. The report concludes with an overall analysis and a concluding statement. Labor Market of Australia The labor market of Australia is said to be improved and in a better economic status as the unemployment rate is continuously decreasing and people are seeking for jobs in a greater number. The Australian market provides extensive opportunities to the individuals and the students to have regular employment. There has been a sudden increase in the employment in Australia of approximately 37,400 jobs as per the report of labor market of Australia, December 2016. As well as there is a decrease of 6.1 percent in the unemployment of the country (Financial Times, 2016). According to the regional reports the unemployment rate in all the regions of Australia except Western Australia has experienced a decrease which shows the signs of positivity in the employment opportunities and the labor market of the country (Financial Times, 2016). Trend Estimates for November 2016: Increase in the employment 3,100 to 11,949,300. There is a decrease in the unemployment of 700 to 714,000. The participation as well as the rate of unemployment remianed intact i.e. 64.5 percent and 5.6 percent respectivey (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2016). Recennt trends in the Labor market: the labor market of OECD ahs theire vital role in imptroving the employment rate of OECD. From the mid 2015, the labor market of Australia has strengthened. In the mid 2015, the unemployment rate was at its extend i.e. 6.2 percent which has dropped down to 5.7 petrcent in the 2016 May. Australia has been considered as one of the strongest natiin in the literacy level and skilled workforce. The highly skilled people have their secured jobs but the majot concern which is left over os on the indivoiduals or student of age group 15to 29 years old. As they do not have high skills therefore there are always serious concerns for this age group individuals regarding better employment opportunities (OECD, 2016). Labor market of retail industry of Australia Presently there are approximately more than 1.2 million people who are employed in the retail industry. Retail sector is recognized as one of the sectors which have employed the highest number of younger individuals of less than age of 45. The retail sector is also renowned for providing the graduates and individuals their first job. In almost all other industries there is an average of forty six percent of women workforce whereas in the Australia retail sector there are fifty six percent of women in the overall workforce. There are widely available part time working opportunities for the individuals in the retail sector so that the graduates can continue with their further studies or any other work (Australian Workforce and Productivity agency, 2014). Challenges faced by the industry The education and trainings one of the challenge faced by the industry as the maximum of the employees in the retail labor market possess low level of the qualifications and education. People just after their secondary schooling or post-school qualification join this sector in the need of job. And it is one of the challenges for the industry to take effective utilization of the higher education and trainings offered under the framework of career progression. Changes occurred in the industry in the last 5 years There are number of changes which have taken place in the industry in last few years which has impacted the demand for the labor and skills in a broader sense. The changes are the result of number of factors such as emerging technologies, sustainable practices, increasing competition, globalization, consumer preferences, economic situations and demographics of the nation. The Australian retail sector has huge opportunities because of development of Asia and the middle class of Asia as their demands and need for consumer goods are riding a an increasing rate (Jefferson and Preston, 2010). At the same time there are changes and difficulties arise because of increasing globalization as other global retailers are getting established in Australia and giving a tough co petition to the domestic retail market, the international retailers are also providing higher wages to the labor and facilitating them to switch over to their companies (Lawrence, Richards and Lyons, 2013). The most powerful change which has impacted the sector and the industry is the technological innovation. There are continuous technological innovations take place in almost all the operations of retail. The online retailing is one of the fastest growing aspects of the retailing operations (Nickson, et al., 2012). The consumers are facilitating towards online purchasing of the products and services. Therefore the need of individuals who are educated and techno-friendly are in much demand to handle these online operations. Because of the global recession there was a sudden decrease in the demand of products, employment as well as industries (Plumb, Kent and Bishop, 2013). But with the passageof time the circumstances changed and presently the retail sector is one of the fastest growing and developing sectors in the nation. One of the biggest changes which have impacted the retail sector and the labor industry is the change in the preferences of the consumers. The customers preferred buying of products from those companies who have higher sustainability and ethical recognition in the industry. Therefore the companies were required to have appropriate labor laws, environmental protection and ethical standards in the business. This forces the companies to pay adequate wages to the labor which improve the employment standards of the individuals (Hall and van den Broek, 2011). Development of the retail labor market In the last few years there has been experienced identified that there is increased development of the retail labor market. The companies are required to have ethical practices to be involved in the employment of the workers. There must be equity in employment, wages and working hours of the employees. The companies have been bind to use ethical and sustainable practices regarding the wages and shift hours of the employees as well as providing a safe and secure environment to the workers at the workplace. thus it has been analyzed that there are several developments which have taken place in the retail labor market for increasing the employment opportunities and growth of the sector as well as the employees (Dyster and Meredith, 2012). Analysis of labor market of retail industry through the operations of Coles Group Coles is one of the highly recognized and well established supermarket chains of Australia which is now a part of Wesfarmers supermarket chain. To understand the labor market of the retail sector, Coles is one of the most appropriate organization to be selected for getting the most likely and relevant information. The company provides employment to around 100,000 individuals and recognized as a viable source of employment. In the coming five years there are chances that the retail labor market will have a significant boom. The analysts forecasted that in the coming year there will be an increase of 8.9 percent in the employment in the retail sector and an increase of average of 1.7 percent every year (Richardson, n.d.). And Coles has its significant and vital role in the development of the labor market of Australia as well as providing number of employment opportunities to the individuals. The company has high ethical standards and code of conducts which give a safe and adequate work ing environment as well as opportunity to the employees to grow. Analysis of labor market through the interview conducted with an employee of Coles There has been conducted an interview with one of the employee at the sales and retailing department of Coles to know the in-depth information of the various trends and changes in the labor market. The interviewee has an experience of around two years at the organization. He is a well associated employee of the organization who is very well engaged in the retailing operations. There were few important questions which were asked to the employee such as regarding the present situation of the employees in the organization, any knowledge regarding past incidences associated with the labors or union, occurrence of employment opportunities and satisfaction level of the employees. The interviewee answers all these questions by sharing his personal experience. There was information provided by him regarding the present situation of the employees and the retail labor market. There are now increasing demand of the individuals who can handle either the front operations or the back-office operations. There is also need of individuals to handle the customer grievances both at the physical stores as well as online issues and queries. The retail market is offering extensive employment opportunities to the individuals to build their career in sales and marketing portfolio. There is continuous employment of new individuals in the organization at distinct stores of the company. The workers are also paid adequately both in the part time shift and in the full time shift as per their type of work (Giannikis and Mihail, 2011). The satisfaction level of the employees presently is also high in the organization as the wages provided are adequate as per the wages and labor laws. The shift hours are also flexible i.e. part time and full time and as per the various norms and governmental laws (Mitchell, et al., 2010). There are few past incidences taken place in the organization which shows that there were some labor issues at Coles in the past. The issues were related to unpaid wages, squat and unreasonable wages provided to the workers according to their work. But with proper strategies and practices the company solved all such issues and presently it holds a good position in the labor market. The individuals are seeking employment opportunities at the organization in a large number. Conclusion The labor market is always recognized as one of the highly dynamic markets across the globe. There are several changes which have occurred in the labor market before and after globalization. In the report it has been analyzed that there were several factors which impacted the labor market, the employment arte and the unemployment rate. From this report it has concluded that the retail sector is one of the most chief sectors which regulates and impacts the labor market (Billett, et al., 2011). This sector engages high number of individuals which ultimately results into positive change in the employment rate of the nation. From the analysis of the retail sector in contrast with the labor market it has been evaluated that there are several changes which have taken place in the sector because of innovative techniques, globalization and foreign competition. There has been selected Coles Group as it is one of the most renowned organization in the retail sector which pro des the most reliab le and specific information required to understand the labor market in the retail sector. The interview conducted with one of the employee of Coles has also provided enough information regarding the trends, employment opportunities, past incidences and changes in the labor market of the retail sector. From the overall analysis of the report it can be evaluated and concluded that for the graduates and other individuals there are several extensive employment opportunities available in the retail sector. The labor market of Australia provides huge growth opportunities to the students and the individuals. From the last few years it can be concluded that there are several changes occurred in the sector and the labor market which resulted to improvement in the employment opportunities and success of the labor market. References Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2016. 6202.0 - Labour Force, Australia, Nov 2016, NOVEMBER KEY FIGURES, Accessed on: 8th January, 2017, Accessed from: Australian Government, 2016. Labor Market Information Portal, Accessed on: 8th January, 2017, Accessed from: Australian Workforce and Productivity agency, 2014. Retail workforce study, Pp.150, Accessed on: 8th January, 2017, Accessed from: Billett, S., Dymock, D., Johnson, G. and Martin, G., 2011. 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