Friday, March 27, 2020
Gandhi Essay Research Paper Mary ReynoldsNovember 17 free essay sample
Gandhi Essay, Research Paper Mary Reynolds November 17, 2000 History 3840 Arthur K. Scott Gandhi, Satyagraha, and the Western Mind There is much that can be said about such a great leader like Gandhi. He had many accomplishments that were needed to do a difference in the universe. Possibly the most of import quality that he possessed was the properties of cognition and common sense. These properties made him a really healthy adult male who knew how to handle his opposition with regard while saying the issue at manus. Gandhi achieved many achievements throughout his life. Overall, the most important was that one adult male could do a difference within his ain state that received world-wide acknowledgment. One of the grounds as to why Gandhi was such a success is in order to be a great leader, one must possess a great trade of interior peace. He was really capable of making so, and in return, the opposing side listened to what this adult male had to state. We will write a custom essay sample on Gandhi Essay Research Paper Mary ReynoldsNovember 17 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The doctrine of Mahatma Gandhi is really different than those of Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X. Gandhi took doctrine to a farther degree, which allowed people to understand themselves before seeking to take on the opposing side. One of the chief footings used in Gandhi # 8217 ; s doctrine is Satyagraha, which is the force of truth and love ( Chadha, 112 ) . This term can be applied to many different state of affairss. Satyagraha has many different significances, which is good because it allows people to construe it in their ain manner. Webster # 8217 ; s dictionary defines Satyagraha as # 8220 ; take a firm standing on # 8221 ; or # 8220 ; the strong and stubborn disposition for # 8221 ; ( 280 ) . Satyagraha can be used in both political every bit good as domestic state of affairss. The person must utilize his or her interior psyche to accomplish peaceableness, which is brought on by Satyagraha. The term Ahisma is the 2nd rule of Gandhi # 8217 ; s doctrine, which means # 8220 ; passive resistance to all life things # 8221 ; ( Chadha 113 ) . The term is besides associated with truth. Ahisma besides means holding no purpose to kill. This is what gave Gandhi and those who followed him, the ability non to strike back. They were able to look within themselves and happen peace. An illustration of how this doctrine played out can be found in an illustration narrative told by Gandhi to assist others understand how non to contend back with force. The narrative said that a adult male was seeking to salvage a Scorpio that kept seize with teething him. When asked why did he maintain seeking to salvage the Scorpio, the adult male stated that he was a human being and that it was his nature to salvage, merely as it was the nature of the Scorpio to seize with teeth ( Fischer 77 ) . Gandhi was able to declare that he applied true passive resistance to every portion of his life. Domestic, institutional, economic, and political jobs could wholly be dealt with by utilizing Satyagraha. Satyagraha can be looked at as a method for deciding struggle. One of the chief points is to seek and win the trust of the other side. When this is accomplished, the two opposing sides can speak out their differences and seek to set an terminal to them. Satyagraha besides uses the preparedness to endure and non fight back. The citizens of India were successful in making so. Take for illustration, the clip in which Gandhi # 8217 ; s followings were repeatedly beaten and abused by governments. They were able to seek within their ain psyches and happen the strength to defy force. The four chief arms used by the satyagrahai are sympathy, trust, forbearance, and the willingness to endure ( Fischer 221 ) . The relationship with the opposition can subsequently go one that is full of trust, regard, and cooperation. When this type of relationship is obtained, struggle and tenseness will be resolved. Western heads may see this procedure as an unrealistic manner of seeking to work out a job. With a true enemy, it i s really hard- – about impossible to even try to go friends with such a powerful, tyrannizing opposition such as the British. The thought of utilizing these four arms seems really difficult to really carry through. It appears that Gandhi takes great easiness in covering with the enemy. â€Å"In the terminal, the enemies are converted to friends, †said Gandhi ( Prasad, 28 ) . Although this thought seems about impossible to carry through, Gandhi did win in acquiring his followings to set in utmost sums of attempt to accomplish peace. In today # 8217 ; s universe, three different types of state of affairss can be aided through the pattern of Satyagraha. They are self, household, and work. Once the true apprehension of the term Satyagraha is developed, it becomes possible for struggles within these state of affairss to go resolved. Gandhi # 8217 ; s hunger work stoppages, Marches, and civil noncompliance Acts of the Apostless were important towards his achievement of peace. His followings were really faithful and were able to do a statement that got the attending of the British authorities. The rule of Satyagraha worked good in a state such as India because of its strong spiritual spiritualty. Indians are extremely dedicated and motivated when it comes to the subject of religion. Poverty is everyplace in this state, and faith becomes cardinal to one # 8217 ; s life. Gandhi had a great trade of success in demoing to the universe merely precisely how nonviolent opposition could do a difference. He was a really educated adult male and possessed the qualities necessary to be a great leader. He disagreed with the methods put frontward by Western civilisation. It was perceived that Westerners were # 8220 ; enterprising, impatient, engrossed in multiplying their stuff wants and in fulfilling them, fond of good cheer, dying to salvage physical labour and extravagant wonts # 8221 ; ( Prasad 235 ) . Westerners were fond of good cheer and in demand of holding a good clip. The British were perceived as holding small or no self-control. British and Indian civilizations are so different, how could an interaction between the two of all time be successful? It is much easier to look back and say what could hold been done. The British overstayed their welcome in India, although they were neer truly invited in the first topographic point. The British imposed their positions onto another civilization. They were rude, disrespectful, and degrading to another state on that state # 8217 ; s dirt. Possibly the most distressing facet of British regulation was the debut of societal Darwinism into Indian civilization. To present racism into another land is disgusting because the reverberations of it neer to the full travel off. Yet Gandhi was able to learn the British and the remainder of the universe something about passive resistance and its positive consequences. The term Satyagraha is really complex and is accompanied with great dedication. To contend back without force takes a immense sum of interior egos control, a certain peace of head, and the physical ability non to strike back. The state of India was able to demo to the universe that nonviolent opposition can do a difference. It is peaceable and the enemy is able to step back and see what the opposing side is seeking to carry through. In decision, the plants of Gandhi were really successful. He was able to turn out that the state of India, which was thought non to hold power, did so possess an tremendous sum of power. He showed that this power was different, because India # 8217 ; s power did non lie in the usage of arms or money. Rather India # 8217 ; s power was found within Satyagraha, the # 8220 ; soul-force # 8221 ; power. What Gandhi accomplished was animating and he showed Westerners a new manner to cover with struggle. It is really difficult to turn out a point to another civilization with highly different ideas and beliefs. Yet it is a great achievement to do others admit a new manner of deciding struggles with their enemies.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Free sample - Business-Technology Alignment. translation missing
Business-Technology Alignment. Business-Technology AlignmentBusiness-technology alignment is a renowned issue that continues to plague various businesses. Often, the disconnection results into some disastrous results. However, despite the severity of the issue among various corporations, Tom Uva seems not to be threatened by the issue. He states that business-technology alignment is not rocket science. Uva has gone ahead and created a framework that allows IT staffers to focus on strategic business priorities. Uva and his staffers are driven by the motto â€Å"There is Nowhere to Hide†â€Å"You deliver or You do Not.†In the article â€Å"Absolute Alignment: How One CIO Remains in Lock-Step with the Business,†Uva reviews various issues that are related to business-technology alignment. Initially, he emphasizes on the importance of assembling as teams in a corporation to discuss various issues affecting the corporation, lay strategic plans for the organization, and review progress. Uva’s team meets weekly to discuss the status of all the projects that have an IT component. The meeting comprises of various heads from the CIO’s five groups that make the Sensis Corporate Technology Solutions (CTS) (Wailgum 1). These groups include Business Solutions that is concerned with applications and data management; network operations team; client services, which is responsible for dealing with all the IT issues of the Sensis user community; information security; and the Run as Business that is responsible for such issues as vendor management, the IT group’s financial management, and training programs. The weekly meetings update the staffers on their next activities; they ensure that each staff is focused on the set priorities. Thus, meetings should not be activities that are undertaken annually and forgotten; they should be actively managed. Uva’ meetings emphasize on the significance of constant meetings as teams and heads of teams for the success of IT organizations (Wailgum 1). The teams undertake various priorities. In a single month, a team’s priorities may range from five to ten priorities. Additionally, priorities differ in terms of size and complexity; often, priorities can be an entire IT project or a constituent of the larger IT project. The teams’ first concern is on how to prioritize their priorities from what has not been done to what has been done. Though Uva’s meetings are similar to all the other status update meetings that are held within any other CIO’s office; the meetings have their own distinctive characteristics. The meetings are more effective, defined, and strategic compared to other CIO meetings. This arises because all the parties present in the meetings understand that the Sensis Group and all CTS partners have signed off all their priorities and are committed to the success of these priorities. Additionally, they understand that all the Sensis employees review their successes or failures on a monthly basi s, and their remuneration is tied to the performance of the entire CTS portfolio. These factors are critical in promoting boosting morale and commitment of the IT alignment staffers to achieve the priorities of the company. Business and IT leaders are required to establish an IT operating plan that is based on the company’s goals and long-term strategies (Wailgum 2). The strategic plan can then be broken down into yearly, quarterly, and monthly IT priorities. These priorities can then be tracked and monitored objectively since they are visible along the company’s lines of business. Sensis has adopted this approach. Uva comments that the approach is not as complicated as perceived. However, it is an effective approach for mending conventional business-IT disconnects. The approach is based on transparency and truthfulness, responsibility and rigor, and pacing and prioritization. The present manifestation of Uva’s project and priorities approach does not have any formal name. The approach has progressed over the years to its present form. There was a significant external expert input in the development of the approach; former CIO’s contributed greatly to the creation and development of the approach (Wailgum 2). It involves blending of sound project management strategies and the reality in IT. Uva’s greatest influence is E.P. Rogers, The Mony Group CIO. Rogers interconnected daily activities to the tactical operations, and the strategic obligations. The company’s strategic annual plan is connected to the IT deliverables per month (Wailgum 3). He uses governance, project management, and alignment to carry out his business operations. The company has a Four-Leveled Plan with different variations and one plan complies with the other. The Three-Year Sensis Strategy- This is strategic plan that spans on 3-4 years. For instance, Application of Consolidation Plan. This involves identification, modification, or elimination of applications. The executive annually revisits this strategy (Wailgum 3). Twelve-Month Operating Plan- This consolidation plan is broken into smaller annual targets. For instance, Review five applications. Annually, this target will be reviewed whether the objective was met. Quarterly Targets- The annual operating plan is broken down into quarters and targets are set in every quarter. Monthly Priorities- These are generated from the Quarterly Targets. For instance, in the first month of Quarter 1, the specifications for the evaluation criteria. This helps the shops to deal with the IT capacity (Wailgum 3). Every employee has a copy of the strategic and operating plan that is updated to meet the demand of clients. If they have a client that will order their products in 2012, they change their operations and strategy to meet that plan so that they can be able to meet with the demand. At the same time, the Chief People Officer, and SVP at Sensis, Peggy Dudarchik, looks into the CTS department to know which business projects need resources. All priorities are reviewed, and for Uva, 99 percent done equals undone. Monthly progress is published and is made available to every employee in the company. This implies that everyone easily accesses information about the performance of every team. This enables all the employees to see if they met the set objectives during that period. The other business executives can see the meaning and implications of the IT system. Uva has the ability to say no to last minute projects. This helps him to avoid exerting too much pressure on the capacity of his organization. Vice President of Operations at Sensis, Greg Farnham, says that, he understands when his request is processed (Wailgum 4). He knows the capacity of manufacturing, demands of the IT employers, how the resources are allocated, and above all the priorities of the organization (Wailgum 4). Such situations can be solved through reprioritizing the demands of every project. Uva uses strategic operations, limited IT resources, and prioritization of projects to meet organizational transparency. This transparency is reflected by the accountability in this organization. Three-quarters of the salary of employees is tied to their monthly performance (Wailgum 4). The success of the IT department is measured with a ratio. The number of completed projects is divided by the total number of projects that every team was assigned for that month. At the beginning of every year, Uva and his leadership team set three grades of IT performance: Grade 1- Threshold or a basic passing grade Grade 2- Target or a performance that is rated as above average Grade 3- Above Target that denotes excellent work In the 2010 fiscal year, the results of Q1, Q2, Q3, were 81, 86 and 91. This shows a marked improvement in performance. The overall score of the CTS team stood at 90.4 %. In conclusion, Uva has geared his business towards success using the Four-Leveled Plan, prioritizing, IT transparency, and commitment. He spends a third of his time on operational issues, and the rest on strategic issues (Wailgum 4). Work Cited Wailgum, Thomas. Absolute Alignment: How one CIO Remains in Lock-Step with the Business. CIO.Com. 2010. Web. 18 Nov 2010.
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