Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Does A Child Know What Being Transgender Essay - 1278 Words
Does a child know what being transgender actually means? What does transgender mean? According to transgender is an adjective that means: â€Å"denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender†( In simpler words, a person identifies different with their biological sex. In recent studies, more and more of children under the age of ten have claimed to be transgender or have been diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria. These children claim to be born in the wrong body and have a boy or girl brain (, but leading scientists have found that there are no differences in a male and female brain (Francoeur 18). The majority of child specialists lean towards the wait and watch program. Debra W. Soh says that children should wait for any medical procedures and that most of them grow out of it. Her exact words were â€Å"I urge families, who are struggling through a sea of mixed information and unknowns, to not act in haste. Know that your support and acceptance will help your child survive this difficult time so that, together, you can make an informed decision when they are ready ( .†During the early stages of development, children are learning about themselves and have hard times identifying where they fit in. Some girls like being tomboys, but that does not mean they are transgender or want to be. Unfortunately, gender roles encourage young,Show MoreRelatedIn This Paper, I Will Discuss Transgender Children, Specifically1041 Words  | 5 PagesIn this paper, I will discuss transgender children, specifically contextual variables that impact psychological adjustment. Define stress, stressors, and coping strategies, and contemplate their relationship to health and wellness of these. Identify and describe social psychological phenomena. Describe relationships, lifestyles, and issues of parenting and longevity. Identify gender differences and explore gender role stereoty pes. Examine evidence-based strategies from each of the selected articlesRead MoreGender Diversity : The Wide Range Of Gender Variation894 Words  | 4 Pageshow biological sex does not always match gender identity. The three different kids in the video showed gender identity issues since they were in their early childhood. Jazz was biologically a boy, but he identifies himself as a girl since he was fifteen months old. His parents allow and support his new gender identity as a girl and now she lives a full-time life as a girl. They moved to a different school, so she can feel more comfortable in an environment where people do not know her as a boy. RawlyRead MoreThe Rights Of Transgender Teenagers1667 Words  | 7 Pagesthe recent suicide of transgender teenagers Leelah Alcorn and Zander Mahaffey, rights of transgender teenagers have become a more prominent subject as many seek for the banning of gender-conversion therapy, a therapy that aims to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, and the metal abuse it causes (Segal). The rights of transgender teenagers over the rights of parents and leaders is an important subject in the continuing battle of transgender rights, and what should be done to saveRead MoreMale And Female Bathrooms Are The Standard Form Of Bathrooms Essay1413 Words  | 6 Pagessome students are revealing that they are either lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. The National Center for Transgender Equality (2014) defines transgender as a term for people whose gender identity, expression or behavior is different from those typically associated with their assigned sex at birth. Du e to the students revealing their gender identity, several schools had to address some controversies. The Transgender people were having a difficult time accessing the bathrooms on school campusesRead MoreTwo Sides Of The Same Coin. The Struggle Of Old World Blues.1143 Words  | 5 PagesTwo Sides of The Same Coin The Struggle of Old World Blues â€Æ' Two Sides of The Same Coin The Struggle of Old World Blues What is love? What is acceptance? What is it to know who you truly are and be happy with yourself? These are common questions a person thinks to themselves at one point or another in their lifetime. Many people unsure of who they are, unsure how to truly discover themselves, if they would be happy with who they are and if their loved ones or even society will love them the sameRead MoreThe Community Of The Lgbt Community Essay1356 Words  | 6 PagesBrandon Boso, female to male transgender, was eleven when he came out to his parents as transgender. From Brooklyn to Brandon, his parents were skeptical and did not want to accept him as Brandon. Fights broke out and yelling became an everyday occurrence. In an interview, he states, â€Å"One day my mom came into my room screaming that I wasn’t a boy and I wasn’t gay because I had said that I still liked guys†(Boso). Although his family became more supportive as he became older, he still had to dealRead MoreWe Ar e A Divided Society1744 Words  | 7 Pagesare members of the middle, low-income, or wealthy classes. We choose what seats to sit in during a football game according to the team we are rooting for. It is oddly comforting to know that you belong. All too often, transgender youth are denied that sense of belonging because they defy societies categories of male and female. Society’s collective response of marginalization, shaming, and violence negatively impacts transgender youth and their mental health. Expanding our view beyond the gender binaryRead MoreThe State Of Oregon959 Words  | 4 PagesIn 2014, the state of Oregon was the first state to pass a law that allows children at the age of 15 to undergo surgery for transgender, and they do not need the consent of their parents. Why, you may? Well, let’s take a look. As stated before Oregon was the first state to offer gender reassignment to minors. However, ironically it is illegal in that same state for a 15 yea r old to drive, smoke, donate blood, get a tattoo, or even go to a tanning booth. The state is doing this treatment with MedicaidRead MoreHostility Towards Transgender Students1090 Words  | 4 Pagesare those categorized as transgender. These people are very often the subject of intense scrutiny, discrimination, ostracism, verbal harassment and even physical assault. These responses to a transgendered person often stems from a lack of understanding, confusion, fear, and anxiety when interacting with these people. In order to understand why people are so unsettled when in the presence of a transgender individual, it is essential to fully understand the term transgender. The American PsychologicalRead MoreTransgender Kids and Their Right to Choose to Go to Any Bathroom They Please1810 Words  | 7 Pages The hot topic of current events centers around the heated debate over whether Transgender kids should be able to choose what restroom they would like to use based solely on their gender identity. Breaking new ground and blazing new trails to create equality for all is the state of California. Democratic Governor, Jerry Brown, signed Assembly Bill No. 1266 (known as AB1266), which was an act to amend Section 221.5 of the Education Code, relating to pupil rights. The new law gives all students the
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Social Ecological Model and the Five Components
The United States of America were founded on the belief that everyone should be treated equally. A tremendous amount of progress has been made to eliminate racism and inequality over the past two centuries. Even though America has come a long way, more advances can be made and should not be stopped until racial and ethnic disparities are completely eradicated. A fundamental area that significant disparities exist in is the healthcare industry. Evidence shows medical care is not distributed equally among residents of the United States. The social ecological model will be used to investigate the existing gaps in the healthcare system in the U.S. The social ecological model is comprised of five components. Starting on the inside is the†¦show more content†¦They stem from the way the healthcare system is set up in the U.S., which causes minorities to receive unequal treatment. White men make up approximately 75% of the United States male population and account for about 30% of c ardiac deaths. When compared to Hispanic men who make up about 12.5% of the U.S. population, they account for roughly 24% of the cardiac deaths (Diaz, Jr., 2006, p. 47). Medical care is disproportionally distributed among different races and ethnicities in a nation founded with intentions to provide equality for everyone. Furthermore, 5% of the hospitals in the U.S. treat over half of the elderly Hispanic population. These few hospitals that do treat elderly Hispanics provide poor quality of care (Rodriguez, Joynt, Là ³pez, Saldaà ±a, Jha, 2011, p. 254). The reason this issue stems from the organizational level of the ecological model is because ethnic minorities are being affected by the way the hospital and healthcare systems are structured. An alarming study conducted at over 1000 hospitals found that Hispanic and African American patients suffering from heart attacks are likely to wait 10% to 20% longer than non-Hispanic white patients in the exact same critical conditions (D iaz, Jr., 2006, p. 47). Relentless problems as such are rooted by institutional racism creating systematic inequalities in regard to the accessibility of healthcare. Continuing with the organizational level of the ecological model leading toShow MoreRelatedecological model of health1211 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Applying the IOM’s (Institute of Medicine) Ecological Model of Health Abstract This paper discusses how IOM’s ecological model can be used to stop the AIDs pandemic which is a health issue globally. This is because the number of people infected with the disease has increased over the years, since the first case was reported. Statistics show that over 34 million people are infected globally. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Pleasantville Essay Example For Students
Pleasantville Essay If you think about it, today’s world is not such what we call â€Å"user-friendly†place. Unemployment, severe diseases, global droughts and other dreadful natural disasters thatare about to happen to our lives. Even better, the more time passes, the more chances youget to face them in the future. But what the heck, everyone will eventually face all of thoseproblems one day. Danger, devotion, abomination, curiosity, and alterations are alwayspresent in our lives. You might think that Pleasantville is pleasant. Well do I have somenews for you: nope. The name â€Å"Pleasantville†is just a simple irony that’s all. In Pleasantville, everyone is so empty in their minds. For instance, every characteralways did the same thing over and over. It’s like everything falls into the right way that itshould be. The basketball players always score, the wives are always cooking and takinggood care of the husbands and children. Husbands are working, children are little preciousangels who never get in any kind of trouble. No worries, no problems, just plain goodstabili ty. There is no wrong for them because everything was in sync. It would be really tough to adjust to that kind environment where everythingbecomes dull and unbearable. No color, no fire, nothing exciting except the way Bud madeevery shot to the basket without even trying to. No changes what’s so ever. As soon as the characters saw changes, everything was getting completelydifferent. Not like the Pleasantville that everyone new. Color, was the maintransformation. All of the sudden things turned colored. Why? Because of the changes thatwere not supposed to happen in that town. Then people turned color. Why? It’s a mysterySome people from the audience say that the characters turned color because theyfelt some extreme feeling towards something, someone, or even themselves. Like the otherscene where Betty was in the shower. Now that was a real knockout, wasn’t it? All of thesudden she saw many colors, and then another major change happened: fire. No one sawfire before in Pleasantville except David and Jennifer. And all off the sudden it was like achain reaction, change after change after another change. Other audience say that the reason why people changed color is because of analteration or a small shift in their lives. Again Betty for instance, she fell in love insomeon e else. A small change in her life cause a small displacement in Mr. Johnson’s lifeWhen some people became different, in color wise, than other people, prejudiceoriginated in town. All of the sudden you see discrimination such â€Å"No coloreds†sign wereseen at some stores. That cause a major crisis in the city. Violence, fights, jealousy andabhorrence among the people towards each other. That symbolized to show the real life in1950’s unlike the â€Å"pleasant†as it seemed on the television. If you ever saw a movie â€Å"Matrix†, â€Å"Pleasantville†actually reminds me of itsomehow. Where people take things for granted, where they don’t question their existenceand where they live in a life which is made up especially for them. In that life, some detailsare absent. For instance, since no one went to the bathroom in the show by the script, thetoilet bowls were not there. Since â€Å"safe sex†was suggested in the show, a man a nd awoman had separate beds. No one had sex before, until Mary Sue came along. Thatharlot. She was actually the main reason why people turned color. While Jen and David’s visit to Pleasantville, the people learned a lot. Experienceddifferent things that they never had been. The â€Å"in sync†system fell apart completely. .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 , .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 .postImageUrl , .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 , .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488:hover , .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488:visited , .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488:active { border:0!important; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488:active , .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488 .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u28af4d9f3287f9829fc06b054b391488:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: What Does A Relationship Do For An Individual? Every Relationship Betw EssayPeople started to read books. They never could of because they were blank and all of thesudden they filled up. People started to question a lot: â€Å"Who am I?†, â€Å"Why am I here?†,and â€Å"Where am I going?†That has turned them completely independent of and toeverything. They became curious, a lot of questions came up to their mind. And the bestthing about it is that they did it on their own and without a script. So why did the people turn color? No one actually exactly knows, but they canguess. So how pleasant is Pleasantville? Or should I say WAS. People are subject tochange, they can’t live without it. It becomes boring to them. No one considers boringpleasant. But being excited to live the next day not knowing what’s going to happen nextto their life is like gamblepleasant. Bibliography:
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Marriage in the Postmodern Society
Abstract The report presents the issue of marriage in the postmodern society. It carries out a comprehensive study on the status of the marriage institution in the 21st century by defining marriage under a postmodernist perspective: symmetrical family’s justifications and criticisms.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marriage in the Postmodern Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It then shifts its focus to the factors that are currently either affecting, or threatening the validity and desirability of marriage, namely, the appeal of and availability as an option of singlehood, the increase in divorce, and cohabitation. Consequently, it is apparent that the marriage institution has definitely evolved in the 21st century society. The aforementioned variables are just but a few of the possible explanations. The question that remains is whether a universal gauge is in existence to which society should stri ve to adhere in terms of the ideal marriage. If so, what is the standard? Since this is just a report, the paper avoids committing to any specific answer to that question thus opting to leave it to the reader’s exercise of action. Acknowledgement I would like to express my profound gratitude to my parents who have been very helpful in the compilation of this report by offering interesting insights on marriage that I shall share in the report as examples. I am also very grateful for the library resources including the large volumes of sociology textbooks and the internet, which were priceless sources of information and insights into the history of the marriage institution. The library staff members were much cordial. I am grateful for them having availed the facility for my use for both research and discussions. Finally, I would like to thank my professor who gave me constant feedback and guidance towards the completion of this report projects, as well as the respective group members for their time and dedicated input into the project. Introduction Marriage refers to different things to the diverse people in different societies. However, all these diverse personalities throughout the world seem to converge into an agreement on one critical factor that marriage is a merger between two or more parties with the intention of establishing a family. Beyond this very general definition of marriage, there are numerous diverging opinions on what marriage consists of, ranging from same sex marriages to polyandrous marriages.Advertising Looking for report on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Circa 900BC, the world only knew one type of marriage, at least the Judeo-Christian history, which is the best documented type that indicates that marriage was between a man and a woman with the option of an increase in the number of wives if the man was wealthy enough to provide for them (New Advent Para. 2). This point introduces a very interesting yet somewhat underestimated or contemporarily downplayed variable in the marriage institution, which is the economic perspective. Research indicates that, in the past, marital unions were majorly determined on economic and social grounds rather than the emotional basis of marriages in the 21st century. According to the proponents of this school of thought, this qualifies to be the reason why the marriage institution today is highly unstable, as people no longer look at unions for their profitability purpose. In fact, today, if a woman singles out a wealthy male and targets such a man for his wealth, she shall be referred to derogatively as a gold digger. Conversely, arranged marriages of the past were very stable despite the lack of emotional basis. The proponents for this school of thought cite economical stability of the husband or the wife in cases where women had large fortunes as the cause of stability as opposed to unwise or unprofi table unions based solely on love and affection, or on the notion of soul mates. Brief background into the history of marriage Marriage dates back into time immemorial. What becomes apparent as one transcends centuries looking is that, in the past, unions were strictly between a man and a woman who were monogamous. The notion of polygamy started later during the Abrahamic era. Even then, it was only in very special circumstances that the man could take more than one woman to wife. What has become known as polygyny or polygamy today began innocently enough as a permissiveness of society towards promiscuity among males (Sociology Guide Para. 3). This was a manifestation of the excesses of a patriarchal society. Men saw this patriarchal status as a justification of their superiority over women. Soon enough, the worth of women was diminished and equated to that of property. A wealthy man could take as many concubines as he pleased to his harem (this was the case in Arabic cultures). In other cultures, this was manifested by the permissiveness of society towards male sexual expression, as it became acceptable for men to have affairs though it was a cardinal sin for a woman to be caught in a sexual transgression. The offence was punishable by death during Jesus’ time. It is interesting to note that, even then, men who were responsible for women committing adultery rarely suffered equal punishment. Another piece of evidence for this chauvinistic attitude is found in the meaning of the word ‘prostitution’, which originated from the Latin term, prostituta, which means a harlot or a woman who offers up her body indiscriminately, usually for money. Further evidence is in the term ‘male prostitute’, which only got attested in 1948 (Etymology Online Dictionary Para. 4).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marriage in the Postmodern Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These examples are an indication of the evolution of the status of the marriage institution. In the past, dowry was a very significant part of marriage because the economical aspect was a critical decision maker. Chastity was also very crucial as evidenced by the number of â€Å"shotgun†weddings, which occurred on a very short notice when a certain male compromised a woman’s virtue. Variables that have contributed to the status of 21st century marriages Upon a fast tracking to the 21st century, marriage has become a fundamentally different institution from what it was in time immemorial. Today, people have a very different perspective concerning what they consider an ideal marriage (Cherlin ‘The Marriage-Go-Round’ 18). This case can be seen from the myriads of marriage types that have infiltrated the post modernist society. Some of these interesting developments in the marriage institution include same sex marriages, cohabitation (come-we-stay), polyandry and polygamy, and open unions (whereby the partners are married to each other, but they are allowed to have other sexual partners and relationships without the bonds of matrimony). Other than these types of unions that have been formally recognised and even named and studied by sociologists, millions of married couples are having affairs from even the sixth month of the marriage. Such kinds of shocking news lead one to enquire, ‘why should we get married in the first place?’ This question is interesting. To source its answer requires one to travel back in time and look into traditional marriages. The reasons for marriage back in the days were interesting because they were politically, socially, or economically motivated except for the shotgun wedding scenarios. People married to form strategic alliances between kingdoms, families, or to benefit from the spouse’s fortune. They married because they were avoiding a scandal that was likely to ensue after having been caught in a compromising situation or in honour of age-old promises between their predecessors whose promises usually consisted of conditions and a promise of a reward or sanction if the conditions addendum to such a promise were either complied with or defaulted upon respectively. In short, love and affection were rarely the reasons why people got married. Today, the society has completely turned around from these old motivations to marriage. People get married only when they are in love with each other or when they end up pregnant after having engaged in premarital sex and so marriage is hastily done in a bid to save face (Cherlin ‘The Marriage-Go-Round’ 27).Advertising Looking for report on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In short, the post modernist society has the traditional view towards marriage backwards because, whereas people in the past were accustomed to getting into matrimony as strangers and then growing into love with each other, today, people fall in love first after which they get into matrimony based on this love. The unequal distribution of wealth in the society, and specifically the gap between the rich and the poor, is also another significant factor in the analysis of post modernist society. Of course, this perspective requires a wider review of the economics of the post modernist society, specifically concerning the gender differences in wealth that are manifested in today’s society as compared to those in the past. This shall be the first factor that shall merit a discussion in this report. The Dynamics of Economic Balance The civil war in the early periods of the second half of the twentieth century in the United States of America is a magnificent example for use to expla in this factor of economics. At the time, civil rights activists and feminists came together to advocate for equality of men and women as they felt that the society was a reflection of the male chauvinism that was suffocating and insulting to women’s dignity and development as a sex since time immemorial (Sociologyweb Para. 5). This was a relevant complaint at the time because the society had always been rather private and silent on the status of women. Society was clearly patriarchal. However, since the industrial age and the intermittent world wars had proven to the world that women too could get an education and manage to provide for their families in the absence of their men, the government had no justifiable excuse for continuing to undermine women’s capacities. Consequently, in the US, the Affirmative Action took effect. The results were reflected in the increased emphasis on the ‘girl child’s’ success. Women thrived. They went to school and g ot scholarships to college. The barriers to college entry were utterly destroyed. If anything, they got a more favourable treatment than their male counterparts did (Cherlin ‘Public and Private Families’ 84). The effects of this mollycoddling are now felt as society is filled with prosperous women who do not need to rely on men to survive. Suddenly, society is confronted with a phenomenon that has never before been manifested in such great proportions throughout history. Therefore, there is no hope for alluding to past solutions to apply them into the current problem. Initially, marriages were stable because the woman relied on the man for all and any expenses that she accrued as evidenced by age-old common law principles in matters such as bankruptcy of women whereby married women could not be adjudged bankrupt. In case a woman was actually bankrupt, her debts would be answered upon the head of her husband. Now, women can afford to stay single indefinitely because, whe n they age, they simply move out of their parents’ homes and get a personal apartment. This case means that parents no longer need to stress about supporting adult daughters. This situation on the other hand results in less pressure being exerted upon the daughters to get married. This factor advises the next segment of this report’s discussion. The appeal of and availability as an option of singlehood In the 21st century, there is nothing surprising or shocking about being a woman who is more than 40 years old, and not having a husband. Neither is it shocking for a man to be without a wife at a similarly advanced age. It is only an issue if the said adult still lives with his or her parents at that advanced age. Research indicates that, as time lapses and adults fail to marry, or get married at a particular point or a period in their lives usually when their peers are getting married, they are likely to remain single for the rest of their lives or marry when they are very old. The same case applies to newlyweds that are widowed shortly after their wedding day. In 1901, only one out of ten households contained a single individual contrary to one out of every three households today that have a single person (Sociologyweb Para. 6). Conversely, in 1971, two-thirds (2/3) of people in single households exceeded pensionable age, which is sixty -five for men and sixty for women. Today, only half of those in single households exceed the pensionable age. Apparently, more people prefer to remain single in the twenty-first century. There are various reasons proposed to explain these alarming figures, including that the rate of marriages is declining, with an increase in divorce and separation. Secondly, people are delaying marriage or opting to cohabit until they are older. To explain this situation, the age bracket between 25 and 44 is dominated with bachelors. However, beyond 65 years, the numbers are opposite, with doubled women relative to men who are s ingle at this point of their lives (Sociologyweb Para. 2). The explanation for this case is that women have a higher life expectancy. Nevertheless, the reasons why people are choosing to remain single deserve further discussion. The next segment carries out an in-depth analysis of divorce as a cause of singlehood, which is a factor that is affecting the institution of marriage in the twenty-first century. It is interesting that this next segment is double pronged because divorce too affects the institution of marriage. Therefore, the segment shall discuss it under both faucets. The Increased Rate of Divorce The available several causes of divorce include individualism; dissatisfaction of conjugal rights, independence of women, social and legal permissiveness, and mass media influence. Individualism Most cultures in the 21st century are very individualistic. If two individualistic individuals come together in marriage, they are likely to carry this trait into wedlock. It becomes mani fest in spending their time separate from each other with each pursuing personal interests. This case is especially common when the two individuals are career-oriented with distinct professional goals that are different but equally important to them. Alternatively, when the husband has this trait, it means that he spends most of his time at work and/or hiding behind the excuse of being the sole breadwinner as the justification for staying away from home for so long. This scenario usually culminates in the development of romantic relationships with females at work, which if discovered, could result in divorce. Women too are integrated in the career world. When they see their male colleagues, who may be married, carrying on in this lecherous manner, it serves as a strong reason against marriage. Dissatisfaction of conjugal rights Dissatisfaction of conjugal rights is usually the next step after the development or continued sustenance of individualism. The spouse shall then start eying attractive options at the place of work, usually out of the boredom of having had only one partner for an extended period. An interesting observation now is that the survival rate of a marriage usually has a lot to do with the past sexual experiences of the spouses. If the spouse was accustomed to jumping in and out of relationships on a monthly basis, it may only take one month after the wedding for such a person to cheat. On the other hand, if the spouse had a more disciplined outlook to relationships prior to getting married, it is likely to last longer before feelings of boredom invade his or her mind. Other parties become interesting candidates for adventurous affairs. However, this explanation is not absolute, as there are those couples whose past life was very promiscuous, yet they survived longer than their more chaste counterparts did. In the end, the determinant is usually the amount of diligence exercised by both spouses about making their marriage work. Independence of Women Independence affects marriage in two ways. First, since women are now employable and that they can comfortably make their own income, they can easily get out of an unhappy marriage, which is unlike the olden days. Traditionally, despite the horrendous treatment that the wife was receiving in her marital home, she stayed on because she had nowhere else. Going back to her maiden home was some sort of proof that she was a failure as a woman. However, concerning this point, it is interesting to note that illiterate women who have no skills to market may still find themselves enslaved to their husbands, even in the twenty-first century. This assertion is deductable from the countless accounts of abuse in the matrimonial home and a closer review of the victims’ personal credibility in terms of independence. The second dimension to independence is that women are more focused on their jobs today so much such that what was initially known as the â€Å"second shift†in the representation of the role a husband plays in the household after he comes home from work has been renamed the â€Å"third shift†for women. It is inclusive of their professional lives’ demands, household chores and childcare, and emotional needs and fulfilments. Women are finding themselves very involved in work that they hardly have the time to deal with the emotional drama that comes with being in the relationship. This case causes the relationship to suffer, with divorce rates escalating. Social and Legal Permissiveness Society and the law have become more accepting of divorce. Whereas it was initially almost impossible to divorce one’s spouse, today, divorce proceedings in court last for a month for the case to be settled. If anything, the only contentious issue is the distribution of the marital property or the prenuptial agreement, which is another interesting development in the twenty-first century marriage arrangements. The society blatantly encourages divorce for unhappy unions as evidenced by marriage therapists and married or divorced friends telling their troubled colleagues to leave their marriages. In the past, marital problems were dealt with rather than pushing them under the rug and/or being allowed to fester because people knew that they were stuck with each other. Therefore, they had to work things out, which is no longer the case and divorce is seen as the exit clause in the event of major marital differences. Mass media influence Celebrities, who unfortunately, are the people’s icons, record the highest rates of divorces. When girls and boys dream about their future spouses, they fantasise about celebrities. When such impressionable youths then see such celebrity couples getting divorced barely two months after the wedding, they are disillusioned and misinformed about the marriage institution. Over time, their entire perspective on marriage becomes ruined. That case has led to the outrageous permissiveness tha t infests the twenty first century in the first place because, thanks to the fast dispersal of information, centuries-old traditional values of marriage and the family institution are being eroded within hours of watching certain movies or news bit on the latest contemporary marriage that went awry. Cohabitation Most couples in the twenty first century are forming a pattern of cohabiting rather than getting married. Watching the TV Series, â€Å"Better with You†that is directed by James Burrows neatly covers such a situation as Ben (acted by John Cooke) and Maddie- Maddeline (acted by Jennifer Finnigan) have been cohabiting for nine years. When the sitcom begins, they call their arrangement a â€Å"Valid Life Choice†. Sixty percent of couples that start cohabiting for the first time eventually get married. Seven out of ten couples give the same address on their marriage license while 56 percent of these carry out religious wedding ceremonies (Cherlin ‘Public and Private Families’ 97). It is becoming a norm to move in together and blatantly engage in sexual relations before marriage. The reasons for this include the availability, affordability and increased efficiency of contraceptives, and the geographical separation from the traditional family set ups, which allow couples to live together while not married without censure from relatives and other older generational members in the society among others. Status of marriage in the post modernist society The marriages that are prevailing in the post modernist society seem to follow a certain pattern. They seem to be symmetrical in the role of men and women although the extent of this symmetry is highly debatable. It has been the cause of much contention among feminist groups. The evidence of this symmetry is made manifest in the interchangeable and flexible roles of man and wife and the professional lives of both spouses as both are usually engaged in a paid employment meaning that the husband often helps in the housework. In fact, it does not make sense to leave it all to the wife yet both were in the office throughout the day. Additionally, since the wife is making a relevant contribution to the family’s income, the husband may feel obligated to help in the house. This income contribution also means that the wife and husband both engage in decision-making. Finally, the wife and husband in a symmetrical marriage share common friends and leisure activities thus giving them time and opportunity to bond and build their relationship. Criticisms of this deduction are mostly voiced by feminist activists who state that helping in the home is irrelevant as men count ironing their clothes as a form of helping. Women are still the primary homemakers and child caregivers in the home. Therefore, symmetry cannot be said to be in effect. Additionally, women have an emotional toll that they have to bear solely. Their role cannot be said to be equal to that of the men. Co nclusion This report has carried out a comprehensive study of the marriage institution in the post modernist society by first looking into the history of marriage and then looking at the matters that have come up since time immemorial to distort marriage. These factors include economic liberation of women and the social and legal permissiveness towards divorce among others. The factors prove the inevitability of change in the marriage institution. Finally, it has looked at the symmetrical status of the twenty-first century marriages. In conclusion, it posits that marriage has evolved significantly since historical times and will only continue to do so as society continues to evolve. Works Cited Cherlin, Andrew. The Marriage-Go-Round: The State of Marriage and the Family Today. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009. Print. Cherlin, Andrew. Public and Private Families: An Introduction (Sixth edition). London: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print. Etymology Online Dictionary., 2010. Web. New Advent. Catholod Encyclopedia: History of Marriage, 2009. Web. Sociology Guide. Marriage, Family, and Kinships, 2012. Web. Sociologyweb. Sociology Changes in the Family, 2013. Web. This report on Marriage in the Postmodern Society was written and submitted by user Luciana Zamora to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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