Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Women in Early Roman Society essays
Women in Early Roman Society essays In early Roman society, women were opposed by men. Every decision that was made for women, even who they marry with, was chosen by men. Men had control over women in every aspect of life. Although under all the circumstances that women were living with, they were still trying to keep their families as their first priority. The only way that women could be noticed is through what they provided for their families. Women did not exist alone; they existed only with their relations to other men. In order for women to have an impact on roman society, they had to go through extreme measures in their relationships in order to be well recognized. Each one had to prove one aspect of their duty as a woman, in order to establish and have her position be at a stronghold. There were certain expectations from each woman as a wife and as a mother; the more the woman provided her duty, the more noticeable she became. From this we can realize that most women that wanted recognition needed to give up their lives, in order for them to finally reach the point of speaking for themselves. There are many examples that can be given, the ones that mark the importance of family bonds and sacrifices that women represented in order to make their voices heard. The perfect wife for roman men is charming in speech, yet pleasant and proper in manner. (Shelton, 44) As mentioned before, woman in early Roman society does not have identity by herself. Their identity is defined by the name of their husbands or their fathers. Since they only exist under the name of the family, their duties are related with their families too. Their first duty is to give birth and manage a household. (288), these are the obligations that permitted them to become mothers and wives. Then as a good mother and wife, they are to master their duties that are in the interest of the family. Women are to devote themselves toward the improvement of the family, w...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Word Choice Onto vs. On To - Proofread My Paper
Word Choice Onto vs. On To - Proofread My Paper Word Choice: Onto vs. On To The author Kingsley Amis once said, â€Å"I have found by experience that no one persistently using ‘onto’ writes anything much worth reading.†But Amis was also a serial adulterer and a drunk, so, in some regards, he might not be a great example to follow. â€Å"Onto†is a common term in most forms of writing these days. But there are occasions when you should still keep â€Å"on†and â€Å"to†separate. To help you understand when this is necessary, in this blogpost we explain the difference between â€Å"onto†and â€Å"on to.†Onto (To Position on a Surface) Although originally written as two words, â€Å"onto†is now a one-word preposition used to mean â€Å"position on top of†something. As such, we might say: I climbed onto the wall to get a better view. Here, the key factor is that something is on top of something else. Climbing onto walls can end badly if you are a fictional egg. It can also be used metaphorically to describe understanding something (i.e., being â€Å"on top of†a problem): When she saw how to correct the error, she was onto it in a flash. The important thing to remember about â€Å"onto,†though, is that it generally involves something being positioned on top of something else. On To (Part of a Verb Phrase) â€Å"On†and â€Å"to†should be kept separate when the â€Å"on†is part of a verb phrase. Take the following, for example: Once you finish reading Treasure Island, you can move on to Of Mice and Men. Here, â€Å"on†is part of the verb phrase â€Å"move on,†meaning â€Å"proceed onward,†and followed by the preposition â€Å"to.†If we used â€Å"onto,†it would imply climbing on top of a John Steinbeck novel! And thats not how to treat the works of respected authors. Onto or On To? When choosing between â€Å"onto†and â€Å"on to,†the important thing is the context. If the â€Å"on†belongs to a verb phrase, the terms should be separate. If you’re describing something as being positioned on top of something else, however, â€Å"onto†is acceptable. Remember: Onto = Preposition meaning â€Å"on top of†On to = Part of a verb phrase
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Merger motives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Merger motives - Essay Example The product and market differences currently enjoyed by Boots and Alliance, will merge together in the hopes of stimulating greater growth than could be expected as separate entities. Their confidence in growth in shown by the fact that they will be paying 2.5 times of dividend despite the two companies having different dividend policies. It is aimed that the merger will be finalised in April 2006. Most companies, if not all, do mergers because they expect to perform better and be worth more together than as being apart. There are numerous benefits that companies gain from mergers and the Boots-Alliance deal is no different. Alliance had long ago announced that its plans for growth included acquisitions and mergers. With a history of acquiring patents and new pharmaceuticals to add to their product line, the addition of the Boots health and beauty line will be an appropriate addition to spur revenue growth. Alliance's drug pipeline, though not dry, has few new pharmaceuticals on the horizon. Isprelor, a new delivery method for the existing drug Misoprosol, is set for release sometime in 2006. Posidorm, a synthetic Melatonin, has entered late stage trials and hopes are for a 2007 release date (Alliance-Unichem). Posidorm, if approved, is expected to increase the Boots-Alliance revenue stream by as much as 20 percent in 2008.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Marketing - Essay Example Marketing is therefore an essential department in every organization since it deals with the product and service proportion thereby catering for the organization’s operations. The department works in close relation with other management departments to ensure the organization operates as a unified whole. In carrying out their mandate, the marketing department develops its operations depending on the nature of the target market for every product or service in the industry. Additionally, the department counsels the production department thereby ensuring that the company produces appropriate goods and services that meet the market demand. Apple manufactures hand held telecommunication devices such as tablets, computers, and laptops. However, the company’s products and services access the international market owing to the fact that some of the phones and products it manufactures are marketed globally. This implies that the company has a big market and therefore several compe titors all that it must compete effectively against to maintain its operations. With this understanding, Apple has a dedicated marketing department, which has steered the organization through success within the years of its operations.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Moving Towards a Global Community Essay Example for Free
Moving Towards a Global Community Essay With Communism finally thought of as discredited, the US believed that it could finally assume sole dominance of global political and economic affairs. The US was wrong, as Communism was replaced with a new foe – terrorism. The 1990s saw the emergence of Islamic terrorist groups, all of which have a single-minded goal to destroy the US. These terrorist organizations justify their actions by arguing that it is their duty as good Muslims to wage a war against all enemies of Islam (Halliday, 2003). Roots of the â€Å"Jihad†Most Islamic terrorist organizations came from Third World countries, where poverty and government corruption are rampant. Furthermore, majority of the countries from which these terrorist groups originated are governed by pro-US regimes. In exchange for unlimited access to the raw materials of their respective countries, the US would grant them political, economic and military assistance. The aforementioned scenario is conducive to the rise of Islamic terrorist organizations. Impoverished and desperate, many Muslims from the Third World find solace from these groups, who offer them overly simplistic explanations for their destitute state. Leaders of Islamic terrorist organizations usually brainwash neophytes into believing that the US is responsible for the political, economic and social ills in their country. Thus, as good Muslims, they must fight the US even at the cost of their very lives. The US, on the other hand, would protect itself by calling on lackey regimes to â€Å"fight terrorism†by crushing these groups, often at the expense of civil rights and liberties of their constituents (Palmer and Palmer, 2004). References Halliday, F. (2003). Islam and the Myth of Confrontation: Religion and Politics in the Middle East (2nd ed. ). London: I. B. Tauris. Palmer, M. , Palmer, P. (2004). At the Heart of Terror: Islam, Jihadists, and Americas War on Terrorism. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Amy Tans Story Mother Tongue Essay -- Amy Tan Mother Tongue
Amy Tan's Story Mother Tongue A good portion of Americans today speak English as their first language. However, what makes us different is that it is rare to find two people that speak the exact same English. This is the argument Amy Tan makes in her story â€Å"Mother Tongue†. A first-generation Asian American, Tan emigrated from China to Oakland, California, where she became a famous writer. She shares her personal story of the English she speaks, and how much the people you are around can change the way you converse. While at home, she speaks to her mother in a â€Å"broken†sort of choppy English that she can understand. When she is talking to people she works with or deals with on a more business-oriented basis, she uses clearly spoken, grammatically correct, standard English. It was not until giving a speech in a room that her mother was a part of that she finally realized how different her two forms of English really are. â€Å"Mother Tongue†by Amy Tan, was written for all kinds of people. Those who, like her mother, speak a broken form of English, those who speak a more...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Examples of a Paper I Am Writing Essay
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that answers the following questions: †¢ Have you learned something new about your own racial, ethnic, or cultural history? †¢ Trends in immigration will continue to shape the demographics of the United States. What will the U.S. population look like in the year 2050? Why do you think so? †¢ What challenges does the United States face due to the diversity of its people? †¢What are the benefits of such a diverse society? There are many benefits to having a diverse society. Some of these benefits are being able to experience so many different people and coulters in one area. Being able to living together with many different views and beliefs can open our eyes to many options. In the United States you can see many different parts of the world in its population in a small area. Look at New York City, with all the different areas such as Little Italy and Chinatown. Areas so tightly packed with people from the original regions that these sections can look almost identical to the original region. Having so much diversity in the United States it gives us a chance to open our eyes and experience things that we would never have had a chance too. †¢ How can we foster a climate of acceptance and cultural pluralism in the United States? †¢ In what ways does the media perpetuate stereotyping and prejudice? Provide examples to support your assertion. †¢ In what ways does the media help foster appreciation for diversity? Provide examples to support your assertion. †¢ How might individuals and the United States work together to reduce prejudice and increase appreciation for diversity? There are many things in our world that need to change to ensure that mankind does not destroy ourselves. If we can take the time to look at each other as individuals †¢ How might you change your own behaviors to be more inclusive and pluralistic?
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Deception in Psychological research Essay
Deception in psychological research usually entails tricking people so that the researchers can get the answers they need or ascertain why things happen the way they do. There are many controversial topics in psychology and all of them seek to explain the things in our environment and people’s behavior. One of these controversial topics is hypnosis usage under cognitive psychology. Hypnosis is a good way of assisting in repressed memories. It has assisted many people in therapeutic procedures but its effectiveness is sometimes questionable by others. Hypnosis as a way of facilitating repressed memories Hypnosis is a form of Recovered Memory Therapy that helps a person with memory relapse to recall information that they cannot remember. A person does not necessarily mean that someone is asleep. Therefore it is a state between being awake and asleep. Trances serve as an example of hypnotic functions. Though they serve similar purposes, trances need to be differentiated from hypnosis because they are done deliberately as used in clinical procedures to help people with memory loss or lapses to regain them. The sympathetic nervous system controls arousals while the parasympathetic nervous system relaxation. These two systems do not function at the same time. When people are in the hypnotic state, they give up their consciousness and accept the inner truth (Richard, 1998). A person can undergo a deep trance where a person or the hypnotist facilitates the process or a lighter trance referred to as self hypnosis which individuals can create by themselves. This is where a person creates their own visual memory via meditation, listening to soft music or some other ways while maintaining a certain level of consciousness. Negative hypnosis occurs when people are easily influenced by what others say and the things they are exposed to. If people are told that they are not able to do certain things and they believe in such comments, then there is a likely hood that they will not accomplish they thing they have been discouraged. This is what constitutes the negative hypnotic state. Therefore, hypnosis is about expectations. If a person has positive expectations, then they can achieve any thing that they set for themselves but if they are negative, they are more likely to fail at whatever they decide on. Health care practitioners can therefore enhance the well being of their patients by assisting them in increasing their positive expectations. Hypnosis is important in helping sick with psychogenic amnesia or people who have lost their blocked certain memories as a result of traumatic experiences. It has been seen to work well for such patients. Research has shown some cases like child sexual as well as physical abuse can be forgotten. Likewise, evidence of recovery of the memories has also been shown (APA, 2001). At first, when the memory is being got, it presents itself in bits and pieces therefore more sessions with the person have to be conducted so as to help in recovering the memory. Traumatic memories often present themselves in a different manner than ordinary experiences. This is because this form of extreme information can interfere with other brain functions. Studies have suggested that traumatic memories that have been recalled are just as accurate as the traumatic memories that have been forgotten. Case study To examine whether hypnosis is an effective way of facilitating repressed memories, a study was conducted by Widom and Morris in 1998. The study included 23 adults; 12 females and 11 males who had been exposed to childhood abuse experiences and had repressed memory lapse in over 15 years. This group underwent hypnotic therapy for a period of three months (Widom & Morris, 1998). From the study, it was seen that the there is a difference in the way of recalling events between the women and the men. The women were willing to share the little pieces of information that they could recall but the men were not. This influenced the hypnotic procedures because little memory was collected on most of the males as compared to the women. As the sessions progressed, there were slight improvements in memory and this can be attributed to the intense impact of the traumatic experiences on the victims as was seem from those who managed to get some of their memory back. At the end of the study period, 53% of the women and 42% of the men had recovered their memory and were satisfied that it as true. A quarter of those studied who managed to get their memory back had rejected their results saying that they may be false while the remaining never really got their memory back but said that so far they were pleased with their lives and would not engage in any other tests. From the study, we can say that hypnosis does work and can help people regain the memory they have lost. As the process was underway, most of the patients had a positive change in their personality as they said that they were more engaged in community activities as they were encouraged by the test takers. At the end of the study period, approximately half of the patients had got their memory back and this shows that if the procedures are done well and for a longer period, then people with previous traumatic incidents that need recovery can gain their memory back. About 25% of the individuals said that they usually kept to them selves and this can be a contributing factor as they do not trust the therapists to help them recover the memory. Various studies have also shown that events in a person’s life influence their behavior as well as interpersonal relations with others. From the above case, the unwillingness of some clients to share basic information limited the process. Some of those who refused said that as much as they wanted to get their memories back, said that it would probably affect them in a negative way. If they did, the numbers would have definitely increased. â€Å"There is conflict between the in formation a person wants to know and what they would like to forget all together. Some people may remember too much too little and this may be good or bad depending on the context they are presented (Herman, 1995). †Nowadays, some people feel that there are not enough scientific research studies to back up the credibility of the various research memories. Others continue to say that one cannot completely tell whether the results got are true or of they are based on what the hypnotist has been telling them. Even when the patient who agrees that the memory that they got was false, their condition can be worse when they suffer Post traumatic Stress Disorder. Some fear the use of hypnotic procedures on children because it would affect them psychologically and this is not helping in improving their situation. †This kind of therapy confuses the mind as a person cannot tell the difference between what is real and imaginative and this has further contributed to the destruction of families (Rivera, 1993). †In addition, they can deny certain memories because of guilt, the need to protect their families or may be reacting according to the stress levels they have been exposed to. The False Memory syndrome Association says that they have a lot of cases that are taken to court have shown that that some therapists are liars as they implant false memories on their patients (Thierry & Spence, 2004). With the increase in such cases, some judges refuse getting evidence that has been recovered through hypnotic procedures. â€Å"Such methods of treatment have therefore also not been fully accepted in science as well as psychology (Schacter, 1996). †In 1997, according to the U. S bureau of Justice statistics report on a survey of female inmates in jail, it was found that 36% of them had been abused when they were young and one third of them has been raped they were imprisoned. And further 16 case studies on child abused individuals for comparison was undertaken and it showed that about 15% of them were abused as children. This shows that as much as the experiences can be traumatic, not all of them are forgotten and if, they have been suppressed by the individual but they can be retrieved if proper therapy is used. Individuals can recollect a few things and these bits are necessary in the formation of the bigger picture. The few loopholes in research should not be a foundation for dismissing hypnosis in retrieving repressed memories. People have had serious accidents and this form of therapy has helped some who medication did not help in regaining their memories back. Hypnosis therapy is a powerful mechanism as it enables people to regain memories that they thought they could never regain as well as achieve certain goals they have set for themselves. â€Å"This power and acceptance of hypnosis as a form of therapy is due to the fact that it deals with capabilities which appear to be beyond normal activities (Hopper& van der Kolk, 2001). †Moreover, it gives people power to discover their inner being and stop actions such as smoking, drinking and other forms if addictions. Hypnosis also serves as a motivation for people’s engagement in physical activities and aids in reducing stress. This kind of therapy is helping in treating illnesses and certain disorders (De Vos & Louw, 2008). Hypnosis is also used as a form of therapy in children as a form of helping in changing their behavior and assisting in improving their health. In addition, hypnosis enhances personality enrichment by improving people’s self esteems, self confidence such that they get the courage to speak out in public when initially they could not. â€Å"Weight loss motivation, healthy eating and exercise, better sleep for people with seeing disorders, controlling anger, and controlling peoples fears among other things (Thierry & Spence, 2004). †Reliability and Validity of Research The study was reliable because the results indicated the specific responses of the individuals and since the study sample was small, it was easier to monitor individual progress. This would not have been the case if it were a larger number. Those individuals who were found out to have been sexually abused when they were young said that that was a possibility and most knew the individuals further proving that the results were reliable and valid. In addition, the individuals all showed up for the sessions as required therefore the lack of memory recovery could not be attributed to not attending the sessions. On top of these, no form of biasness was seen as the procedures were made as standard as possible and all variables that needed to be controlled were checked. Conclusion Hypnosis therapy usage is acceptable in society has it has helped a lot of people in more than one way especially in facilitating repressed memories. After all, the main goal of the procedure is to assist in the well being of a person. These form of therapy needs to be supported in increasing its evidentiary weight such that these memories can be used as evidence in the courts of law. Clinicians as well as psychotherapists therefore need to be skilled in this area for them to be able to properly guide the procedure so that the clients can get true memories which are part o their whole being and without them they are not complete. References American Psychological Association (APA) 2001. Understanding Child Sexual Abuse Rivera, Joseph. â€Å"‘Trauma searches’ plant the seed of imagined misery,†The Sacramento Bee, May 18, 1993. Herman, J. L. (1995). Crime and memory. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 23, 5-17. H. M. De Vos and D. A. Louw (2008). Hypnosis-induced mental training programmes as a strategy to improve the self-concept of students Vol. 57, No. 2, Higher education journal 2008 Hopper, J. W. , & van der Kolk, B. A. (2001). Retrieving, Assessing, and Classifying Traumatic Memories. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma, 4, 33-71; and Freyd, J. F. , & DePrince, A. P. (Editors). Trauma and Cognitive Science (pp. 33-71). Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press. Richard, S. C. July 1, (1998). The magic of hypnosis: is it child’s play? The Journal of Psychology Schacter, Daniel L. (1996). Searching for Memory – the brain, the mind, and the past. New York, Basic Books. Thierry, KL, Spence MJ (2004). Contemporary hypnosis Widom, C. S. & Morris, S. (1998). Adult recollections of childhood victimization: Childhood sexual abuse. Psychological Assessment, 8, 412-421.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Health and Nutrition Essay
Health and Nutrition Essay One of the most common and popular assignments these days is an essay on health and nutrition. Every day a new company is born, and it offers new products, to add to your food allowance. Every company boasts and brags about the healthy and nutritious ingredients they offer in the product, and promise to increase health, if you use their products. But should you really trust all of them? Can you be sure that the food and various products you are consuming are really healthy and nutritious? – Absolutely not. You have to do your own research to find out what is really healthy for you, and what is just poison for you, veiled under a good mask. That is exactly why professors ask students to do a little research on some major products they consume, and find out if they are really healthy and helpful. This helps a student to understand how to eat and what to consume in future in order to not run a risk of getting sick from eating something bad. Anyway, if you need to write a health and nutrition paper, or a health and nutrition essay, health and nutrition research paper, or health and nutrition term paper – you will need to apply some efforts. When writing a health and nutrition essay – all the data in it has to be exact, specific and 100% accurate. If something in your paper is false – you put your whole health and nutrition essay paper under a big question mark. Make sure that all the data you use in absolutely plagiarism free, authentic, and referenced and cited. The least you want to have is a plagiarized paper. So when using some outside sources – make sure you site them all, according to the writing style you are asked to write your health and nutrition paper in. This is one of the most common mistakes among student writers. The most popular writing styles are APA, MLA, Harvard and Chicago. Be sure to read about those styles before even starting to do the research on the health and nutrition essay. CustomWritings.com can easily assist you with any of your assignments. We have a lot of professional writers ready to help you with your health and nutrition paper. If you need a health and nutrition expert to write your paper – be sure to contact CustomWritings.com right a way, and we will make sure you are delivered the best possible health and nutrition paper on any topic. Here is a list of the most popular health and nutrition essay topics: 1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 2. Health Care Dynamics in Australia 3. Community Health Nursing 4. Italian Health Care Practices 5. Can health status improve without economic development in populations? 6. Rights to Health In Developing Countries 7. The effects of alternative health care on scientific medicine 8. Physical Health in the USA 9. Why do people respond differently to illness and why is health so hard to define? 10. Compare and contrast the quality of health provision in an MEDC and an LEDC of your choice. 11. Can better nutrition decrease criminal activity? 12. The Importance of Nutrition and Fitness in Our Lifes 13. Health Starts With Nutritional Foods 14. Protein Energy Malnutrition 15. Nutrition In A Nutshell 16. Healthy Nutrition Has Changed Me
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Neumann Surname Meaning and Family History
Neumann Surname Meaning and Family History The Neumann surname originated as a descriptive surname or nickname for a new man, settler, or newcomer, from the German prefix neu, meaning new, and mann, meaning man. NEWMAN is an English version of this surname. Neumann is the 18th most common German surname. Surname Origin: German, Danish, Jewish Alternate Surname Spellings: NEUMAN, NAUMANN, NEWMAN, NEUMANNS, NEUMANS, VON NEUMANN, NUMAN, NAUMAN, NAWMAN, NEIMAN, PNEUMAN Famous People with the Neumann Surname Balthasar Neumann - 18th-century German architectJohn von Neumann - famous Hungarian mathematicianElsa Neumann - German physicistGerhard Neumann - German-American aviation engineer Where the Neumann Surname Is Most Common According to surname distribution from Forebears, the Neumann surname is most common in Germany, where it is the 16th most common last name. Its also fairly common in Austria, ranking 120th. According to WorldNames PublicProfiler, the Neumann surname is found throughout Germany, but especially in the northeastern part of the country in the states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Sachsen. The Newman surname, on the other hand, is most frequent in southern England, in the South West, South East, and East Anglia regions. Surname maps at Verwandt.de indicate the Neumann surname is found in the greatest numbers in Berlin, followed by the cities and counties of Hamburg, Region Hannover, Recklinghausen, Mà ¼nchen, Essen, Kà ¶ln, Là ¶bau-Zittau, Dortmund, and Bremen. Genealogy Resources for the Surname Neumann Meanings of Common German Surnames: Uncover the meaning of your German last name with this article on how various types of German surnames originated, and a list of the 50 most common last names in Germany.Neumann Family Crest - Its Not What You Think: Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Neumann family crest or coat of arms for the Neumann surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.Newman Family DNA Surname Project: Individuals with the Newman surname, and variations including Neumann, Neuman, Nauman, Naumann, Nawman, Newnam, Newnom, Neaman, Neiman, Numan, Pneuman, and von Neumann, are invited to participate in this group DNA project in an attempt to learn more about Newman family origins. The website includes information on the project, the research done to date, and instructions on how to participate.Neumann Family Genealogy Forum: This free message board is focused on descendants of Neumann ancestors around the world. FamilySearch Neumann Genealogy: Explore over 3.2 million results from digitized historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Neumann surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Neumann Surname Mailing List: Free mailing list for researchers of the Neumann surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages.DistantCousin.com - NEUMANN Genealogy Family History: Explore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Neumann.GeneaNet - Neumann Records: GeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Neumann surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries.The Neumann Genealogy and Family Tree Page: Browse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Neumann surname from the website of Genealogy Today.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Research paper for drunk driving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Research paper for drunk driving - Essay Example The paper tries a research work on the topic drunk driving. The main purpose of the work is to give people awareness about the social problem of drunk driving. The topic has got wide scope as it has become one of the serious social problems in the modern world. The work will certainly motivate people to abstain from alcohol and other drugs while driving. The paper has wider significance as it helps people ponder over the matter seriously and also helps them in taking a stand negative in attitude towards drunk driving. The paper tries to research and argue that the number of people who drive vehicles under the influence of alcohol is alarmingly on the increase. This research paper contains a cover letter and analysis of the research topic drunk driving. Special attention is paid to analyze the thesis statement, introduction, conclusion, content, and organization of the research paper under consideration Driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs is a crime in almost all countries of the world. Now a days people mix driving with drinking. The number of people who drink while driving is on the increase. People are unaware of the adversities that mixing up of drinking and driving can bring about. There are many instances of accidents which have been caused by drunk driving. When people mix up drinking with driving the possibilities for accidents are many and rather serious. The ability to act according to the demands of the situation is inactive in a drunkard and if he or she is driving a vehicle it will certainly affect their driving. It is the main reason why drunkards tend to make most of the accidents on roads. When people drive vehicles under the influence of alcohol they fail to effectively respond to the challenging situations on roads. People lose control over their action after having consumed alcohol. Likewise drunkards lose control over their driving as well as their vehicles. This causes accidents. There
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